Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/754

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97 STAT. 722 PUBLIC LAW 98-101—SEPT. 29, 1983 Private and governmental organizations, assistance. Report to President, Congress, and Judicial Conference of U.S. (1) the historical setting in which the Constitution was devel- oped and ratified, including such antecedents as the Federalist Papers, the Articles of the Confederation, and the ratification debates in the States; (2) the contribution of diverse ethnic and racial groups; (3) the relationship and historical development of the three branches of the Government; (4) the importance of activities concerning the Constitution and citizenship education throughout all of the States regard- less of when such State achieved statehood; (5) the unique achievements and contributions of the partici- pants in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and the State ratification proceedings; (6) the diverse legal and philosophical views regarding the Constitution; (7) the need for reflection upon both academic and scholarly views of the Constitution and the principle that the document must be understood by the general public; (8) the substantive provisions of the Constitution itself; (9) the impact of the Constitution on American life and government; (10) the need to encourage appropriate educational curricu- lums designed to educate students at all levels of learning on the drafting, ratification, and history of the Constitution and the specific provisions of that document; and (11) the significance of the principles and institutions of the Constitution to other nations and their citizens. (c) The Commission shall seek the cooperation, advice, and assist- ance from both private and governmental agencies and organiza- tions, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Library of Congress, the Smith- sonian Institution, the National Archives, the Department of the Interior, State and local governments, learned societies, academic institutions, and historical, patriotic, philanthropic, civic, and pro- fessional groups, and bar associations. (d) The Commission may, in carrying out the purposes of this Act, delegate authority to State advisory commissions to assist in imple- menting this Act. (e) Within two years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Commission shall submit to the President and each House of the Congress and the Judicial Conference of the United States a compre- hensive report incorporating specific recommendations-of the Com- mission for commemoration and coordination of the bicentennial and related activities. Such report shall include recommendations for publications, scholarly projects, conferences, programs, films, libraries, exhibits, ceremonies, and other projects, competitions and awards, and a calendar of major activities and events planned to commemorate specific historical dates. Each year after such compre- hensive report, the Commission shall submit an annual report to the President, each House of the Congress, and the Judicial Conference until such Commission terminates. TERMINATION SEC. 7. The Commission shall terminate on December 31, 1989.