Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/798

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97 STAT. 766 PUBLIC LAW 98-115—OCT. 11, 1983 HOST NATION INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT Various Locations, $2,970,000. CONTRACTING FOR CERTAIN PROJECTS SEC. 202. (a) The following projects authorized in section 201 may be carried out only as provided in subsection (b): Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnnel Housing in the amount of $10,000,000 at Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing Modernization in the amount of $1,800,000 at Naval Station, Mare Island, Vallejo, California. Applied Instruction Building in the amount of $10,000,000 at the Fleet Training Center, San Diego, California. Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing in the amount of $7,300,000 at the Naval Shipyard, Puget Sound, Bremerton, Washington. Station Access Facilities in the amount of $1,400,000 at the Naval Underwater Engineering Station Keyport, Washington. TRIDENT Training Facility in the amount of $17,000,000 at the Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, Georgia. Training Facility in the amount of $4,600,000 at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Service Shops in the amount of $4,000,000 at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Electrical Distribution Lines in the amount of $7,200,000 at the Naval Shipyard, Mare Island, California. Facility Energy Improvements in the amount of $1,600,000 at the Naval Shipyard, Mare Island, California. Horizontal Paint and Blast Facility in the amount of $6,000,000 at the Naval Shipyard, Mare Island, California. Medical/Dental Clinic in the amount of $2,550,000 at the Naval Support Activity, Holy Loch, Scotland. General Warehouse in the amount of $2,800,000 at the Naval Support Activity, Holy Loch, Scotland. Supply Pier in the amount of $2,950,000 at the Naval Support Activity, Holy Loch, Scotland. Family Services Center in the amount of $540,000 at the Naval Support Activity, Holy Loch, Scotland. Armed Forces Radio and Television Station in the amount of $1,200,000 at the Naval Air Station, Sigonella, Italy. Obligated funds. (b) A contract for a project listed in subsection (a) may be entered into only if the funds to be obligated for the contract are derived from the total amount of funds (if any) available from (1) the net savings from the execution of the projects authorized by section 201 other than those listed in subsection (a), (2) total savings from cancellations of such projects, and (3) other sources, including sav- ings from projects authorized for the Navy in previous Military Construction Authorization Acts. Trident Training (c)(1) During fiscal year 1984, the Secretary of the Navy may enter Kr^^^'/'^ f A i^to ^ contract for the total amount authorized under section 201 for Obligated tunas. ^^^ construction of the Trident Training Facility at the Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, Georgia, but may not obligate more than $17,000,000 of any funds described in subsection (b). Any amount for the construction of such facility in excess of $17,000,000 may be obligated only after fiscal year 1984 from funds realized