Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/922

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97 STAT. 890 PUBLIC LAW 98-139—OCT. 31, 1983 of any State (other than a territory or possession of the United States) within which there is only one local educational agency, by treating each administrative school district within such State as a local educational agency (solely for the purpose of computing the 20 USC 240 note, amount of such payments).". This provision shall no longer be in effect upon enactment into public law of similar language by the duly recognized authorization committees; further this provision shall not result in an increase to the State of Hawaii in an amount in excess of 50 per centum of that which the State would have received without the enactment of this provision. For carrying out the Act of September 23, 1950, as amended (20 20 USC 631 et U.S.C. ch. 19), $20,000,000 which shall remain available until ex-

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pended, shall be for providing school facilities as authorized by said Act: Provided, That with the exception of $8,500,000 for section 10 of 20 USC 640, 644. said Act and $8,500,000 for section 14(a) and (b) of said Act, none of the funds contained herein for providing school facilities shall be available to pay for any other section of the Act of September 23, 1950, until payment has been made of 100 per centum of the 20 USC 635. amounts payable under sections 5 and 14(c) of said Act. EDUCATION FOR THE HANDICAPPED 20 USC 1400. For carrying out the Education of the Handicapped Act, 20 USC 1411. $1,214,445,000 of which $1,043,875,000 for section 611 and 20 USC 1419. $26,330,000 for section 619 shall become available for obligation on July 1, 1984, and shall remain available until September 30, 1985: Provided, That of the amounts appropriated $21,100,000 shall be for early childhood education; and $5,000,000 shall be for regional, vocational, adult and postsecondary programs: Provided further, That of the amounts appropriated $6,000,000 for secondary educa- tion and transitional services for the handicapped shall become available upon the enactment of legislation authorizing such activi- ties: Provided further. That of the $3,100,000 appropriated for spe- cial studies $2,600,000 shall become available upon the enactment of legislation expanding existing requirements under this activity. REHABILITATION SERVICES AND HANDICAPPED RESEARCH For carrying out, to the extent not otherwise provided, the Reha- 29 USC 701 note, bilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the International Health 22 USC 2101 Research Act of 1960, $1,111,400,000, of which $991,028,554 shall be 29 USC 720 ^°^ allotments under section 100(b)(1), $2,871,446 shall be for activi- 29 USC 730. ties under section 110(b)(3), and $2,000,000 shall be made available 29 USC 713. for evaluation activities under section 14. VOCATIONAL AND ADULT EDUCATION For carrying out, to the extent not otherwise provided, the Voca- 20 USC 2301 tional Education Act, and the Adult Education Act, $831,314,000 note, 1201 note. which shall become available for obligation on July 1, 1984, and shall remain available until September 30, 1985, except that 20 USC 2401. $8,178,000 for part B, subpart 2 of the Vocational Education Act shall become available for obligation on July 1, 1984, and shall remain available until expended: Provided, That $7,000,000 for State 20 USC 2305. advisory councils under section 105 of the Vocational Education Act shall first be used to provide to each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Trust