Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/998

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97 STAT. 966 PUBLIC LAW 98-151—NOV. 14, 1983 22 USC 2292. 22 USC 2346. Notification of congressional committees. 22 USC 2151a- 2151d. 22 USC 2420. 96 Stat. 1830. 22 USC 2311. 22 USC 2763, 2764. $25,000,000 for "International disaster assistance", to remain avail- able until expended, of which $10,000,000 shall be used only for earthquake relief and reconstruction in southern Italy, which amount may be derived either from amounts appropriated to carry out the provisions of section 491 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or from up to $10,000,000 of amounts heretofore appropriated pursuant to chapter 4 of part II of such Act for Syria which are, if deobligated, hereby continued available for the purposes of section 491 or for other programs for Italy consistent with sections 103 through 106 of such Act, and up to $15,000,000 of such deobligated amounts are hereby continued available and may be used for grant economic assistance programs for Grenada, except that such funds for Grenada may not be made available for obligation unless the Appropriations Committees of both Houses of Congress are previously notified 15 days in advance; $1,100,000 in foreign currencies for "Overseas training and special development activities (foreign cur- rency program)"; $2,903,250,000 for the "Economic Support Fund", of which not less than $910,000,000 shall be available for Israel, not less than $750,000,000 shall be available for Egypt, not less than $15,000,000 shall be available for Cyprus, and, notwithstanding section 660 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, not less than $3,000,000 shall be available for programs and projects in El Salva- dor to promote the creation of judicial investigative capabilities, protection for key participants in pending judicial cases, and mod- ernization of penal and evidentiary codes; $46,200,000 for "Peace- keeping operations"; $361,533,250 for "Operating expenses of the Agency for International Development", subject to the limitation on transfers of funds into this account and payment for Foreign Affairs Administrative Support contained in Public Law 97-377; $16,250,000 for "Trade and Development"; $41,200,000 for "International narcot- ics control"; $3,000,000 for the "African Development Foundation"; $13,000,000 for the "Inter-American Foundation"; not to exceed $10,000,000 for gross obligations for the amount of direct loans and not to exceed $100,000,000 of contingent liability for total commit- ments to guarantee loans for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation"; $115,000,000 for the "Peace Corps"; $323,000,000 for "Migration and Refugee Assistance"; $2,500,000 for "Anti-Terrorism Assistance"; $510,000,000 for necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of section 503 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; $51,532,000 for "International Military Education and Training"; $1,315,000,000 for necessary expenses to carry out sections 23 and 24 of the Arms Export Control Act, of which not less than $850,000,000 shall be available for Israel ($1,700,000,000 of the amount provided for the total aggregate credit sale ceiling during the fiscal year 1984 shall be available only to Israel), and not less than $465,000,000 shall be available for Egypt; $4,401,250,000 of contingent liability for total commitments to guarantee loans under "Foreign Military Credit Sales": Provided further. That of the total aggregate credit ceiling made available to Israel, up to $300,000,000 shall be made available for research and development activities in the United States and $250,000,000 shall be made available for the procurement of defense articles and defense services in Israel for the Lavi program: Pro- vided further. That not more than $64,800,000 of the total funds and authorities made available under this subsection for programs for military assistance shall be available for El Salvador; not to exceed $225,000,000 are authorized to be made available for the "Special Defense Acquisition Fund"; and not to exceed $3,865,000,000 of gross