Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/1252

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 1204



PUBLIC LAW 98-369—JULY 18, 1984

SEC. 2802. Section 202(b) of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1782(b)) is amended to read as follows: "(b)(1) For each insurance year, each insured credit union which became insured prior to the beginning of that year shall file with the Board, at such time as the Board prescribes, a certified statement showing the total amount of insured shares in the credit union at the close of the preceding insurance year and both the amount of its deposit or adjustment thereof and the amount of the premium charge for insurance due to the fund for that year, both as computed under subsection (c) of this section. "(2) The certified statements required to be filed with the Board pursuant to this subsection shall be in such form and shall set forth such supporting information as the Board shall require. "(3) Each such statement shall be certified by the president of the credit union, or by any officer of the credit union designated by its board of directors, that to the best of his knowledge and belief that statement is true, correct, and complete and in accordance with this title and regulations issued thereunder.". SEC. 2803. Section 202(c) of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1782(c)) is amended— (1) by striking out paragraph (2); (2) by redesignating paragraph (1) as paragraph (2); (3) by striking out "Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, each" in paragraph (2), as redesignated, and inserting in lieu thereof "Each"; (4) by striking out "on or before January 31 of each insurance year" in paragraph (2), as redesignated, and inserting in lieu thereof "at such time as the Board prescribes"; (5) by striking out "member accounts" in paragraph (2), as redesignated, and inserting in lieu thereof "insured shares"; and (6) by inserting before paragraph (2) the following: "(l)(A)(i) Each insured credit union shall pay to and maintain with the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund a deposit in an amount equaling 1 per centum of the credit union's insured shares. "(ii) The Board may, in its discretion, authorize insured credit unions to initially fund such deposit over a period of time in excess of one year if necessary to avoid adverse effects on the condition of insured credit unions. "(iii) The amount of each insured credit union's deposit shall be adjusted annually, in accordance with procedures determined by the Board, to reflect changes in the credit union's insured shares. "(B)(i) The deposit shall be returned to an insured credit union in the event that its insurance coverage is terminated, it converts to insurance coverage from another source, or in the event the operations of the fund are transferred from the National Credit Union Administration Board. "(ii) The deposit shall be returned in accordance with procedures and valuation methods determined by the Board, but in no event shall the deposit be returned any later than one year after the final date on which no shares of the credit union are insured by the Board. "(iii) The deposit shall not be returned in the event of liquidation on account of bankruptcy or insolvency. "(iv) The deposit funds may be used by the fund if necessary to meet its expenses, in which case the amount so used shall be