Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/70

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

STAT. 22




Report. Study.


PUBLIC LAW 98-221—FEB. 22, 1984 manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the Secretary deems necessary to meet the requirements of this section. "(g) The Secretary shall prescribe regulations applicable to the client assistance program which shall include the following requirements: "(1) No employees of such programs shall, while so employed, serve as staff or consultants of, or receive benefits of any kind directly or indirectly from, any rehabilitation project, program, or facility receiving assistance under this Act in the State. "(2) Each program shall be afforded reasonable access to policymaking and administrative personnel in the State and local rehabilitation programs, projects, or facilities. "(3) Each program shall contain provisions designed to assure that to the maximum extent possible mediation procedures are used prior to resorting to administrative or legal remedies. "(4) The agency designated under subsection (c) shall submit an annual report to the Secretary on the operation of the program during the previous year, including a summary of the work done and the uniform statistical tabulation of all cases handled by such program. A copy of each such report shall be submitted to the appropriate committees of the Congress by the Secretary, together with a summary of such reports and his evaluation of the program, including appropriate recommendations. "(h)(1) The Commissioner shall conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the client assistance program authorized by this section, and submit a report to Congress, not later than February 1, 1986. "(2) In conducting the study required by this subsection, the Commissioner shall address and report the following information for each State that received a client assistance program grant. The study shall include— "(A) the numbers of handicapped individuals assisted through the client assistance program; "(B) the handicapping conditions of the individuals assisted, and the proportion each type of individuals represents of the total population assisted; "(C) the types of services provided, cross-referenced to types of handicapped individuals assisted through each service; "(D) the type of organization or agency which administers the client assistance program; "(E) the physical proximity of the client assistance program to the State vocational rehabilitation agency; and "(F) the type of organizational structure used by the client assistance program to deliver services. "(3) In conducting the study the Commissioner shall make the following comparisons: "(A) differences in service delivery patterns in client assistance programs in urban and rural areas; "(B) differences in service delivery patterns among client assistance programs administered in various organizational set-i tings; and fy "(C) differences in service delivery patterns among client assistance programs established after this reauthorization and .! those that were established prior to this reauthorization. "(4) The report shall include such recommendations, including recommendations for legislative proposals, as the Commissioner deems necessary.