Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/989

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-369—JULY 18, 1984

98 STAT. 941


20 USC 1087-1 ^°^-

(a) The Secretary of Education and the Secretary of the Treasury shall within 90 days of the date of enactment of this provision, establish procedures under which issuers affected by any decision of the Secretary of Education or his delegate under section 7 of the Student Loan Consolidation and Technical Amendments Act of 1983 20 USC 1087-1 may request and obtain a review of such decision by the Secretary of ^^ir,^°]f' the Treasury or his delegate followed by a written report to the 1087-la. Secretary of Education and to such person with respect to such review to be filed no later than 60 days of the request for review (unless the person requesting such review consents to an extension of time). (b) Nothing in this section shall affect the exemption from income taxation of interest on any student loan bond or any issuer of such bonds. SEC. 647. SPECIAL RULE FOR POSSESSIONS AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case of obligations issued before July 1, 1987— (1) the Virgin Islands and American Samoa shall have authority to issue industrial development bonds (within the meaning of section 103(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954), and (2) the District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency shall have the authority to issue obligations described in section 103(b)(4)(A) of such Code and to issue mortgage subsidy bonds (as defined in section 103A of such Code). SEC. 648. SPECIAL ARBITRAGE RULE.

Securities or obligations are not described in section 103(c)(2)(A) or (B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and are not subject to yield restrictions to the extent that on the date of issue of a bond issue which is payable from the investment earnings on such securities or obligations— (1) such securities or obligations are held in a fund which, except to the extent of the investment earnings on such securities or obligations, cannot be used, under State constitutional or statutory restrictions continuously in effect since October 9, 1969, to pay debt service on the bond issue or to finance the facilities that are to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds, (2) the fund has received no substantial discretionary contributions after October 9, 1969, (3) the issuer (A) had a practice of issuing bonds secured by the investment earnings of the fund during the period commencing January 1, 1960, and ending on October 9, 1969, and (B) has had a continuous practice of issuing bonds secured by the investment earnings of the fund at least once during each 5year period beginning on October 9, 1969, and (4) the amount of securities or obligations benefitting from this rule cannot exceed the principal amount of bonds (to which such securities or other obligations would, but for this rule, be allocated) which could be issued under applicable laws restricting the amount of bonds that can be issued (but not restrictions on the purposes for which bonds can be issued) in effect on October 9, 1969, as applied to the facts on the day of issue.