Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/516

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 1676


43 USC 390g-2.

Contracts with U.S.


43 USC 390g-3.

PUBLIC LAW 98-434—SEPT. 28, 1984

works and the operation of water replacement systems, formulation of a monitoring program, identification of any economic, legal, intergovernmental, and environmental issues and projection of planning problems associated with such systems, and recommendation of legislative and administrative actions as may be necessary to carry out phase IL (b) During phase I the Bureau is authorized and directed to recommend demonstration projects to be designed, constructed, and operated during phase IL (c) Within six months, after the enactment of an appropriation Act to carry out phase I, the Secretary shall make a preliminary selection of projects to receive further planning and development and shall initiate such further planning and development for those selected projects. (d) Within twenty-four months after the date of enactment of an appropriation Act to carry out phase I, the Secretary shall transmit a report to Congress containing the recommendations made pursuant to subsection (b) and a detailed statement of his findings and conclusions. SEC. 4. (a) During phase II, and subject to State water laws and interstate water compacts, the Bureau is authorized and directed to design, construct, and operate demonstration projects in the High Plains States and other Reclamation Act States to recharge groundwater systems as recommended in the report referred to in section 4(c). (b) During phase II the Secretary, acting through the Bureau, shall contract with the various High Plains States and other Reclamation Act States to conduct a study to identify and evaluate alternative means by which the costs of groundwater recharge projects could be allocated among the beneficiaries of the projects within the respective States and identify and evaluate the economic feasibility of and the legal authority for utilizing groundwater recharge in water resource development projects. (c)(1) Within twelve months after the initiation of phase II, and at annual intervals thereafter, the Secretary shall submit interim reports to Congress. Each report shall contain a detailed statement of his findings and progress respecting the design, construction, and operation of the demonstration projects referred to in subsection (a) and the study referred to in subsection (b). (2) Within five years after the initiation of phase II, the Secretary shall submit a final report to Congress. The final report shall contain— (A) a detailed evaluation of the demonstration projects referred to in subsection (a); (B) the results of the studies referred to in subsection (b); (C) specific recommendations regarding the location, scope, and feasibility of operational groundwater recharge projects to be constructed and maintained by the Bureau; and (D) an evaluation of the feasibility of integrating these groundwater recharge projects into existing reclamation projects. SEC. 5. The Secretary, acting through the Bureau, and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator") shall enter into a memorandumof-understanding to provide for an evaluation of the impacts to surface water and groundwater quality resulting from the groundwater recharge demonstration projects constructed pursuant to this