Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/804

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 1964

PUBLIC LAW 98-473—OCT. 12, 1984

Activities under the Follow Through Act, except that the annual rate for such activities shall not exceed $10,000,000. SEC. 102. Unless otherwise provided for in this joint resolution or in the applicable appropriation Act, appropriations and funds made avsdlable and authority granted pursuant to this joint resolution shall be available from October 1, 1984, and shall remain available until (a) enactment into law of an appropriation for any project or activity provided for in this joint resolution, or (b) enactment of the applicable appropriation Act by both Houses without any provision for such project or activity, or (c) September 30, 1985, whichever first occurs. SEC. 103. Appropriations made and authority granted pursuant to this joint resolution shall cover all obligations or expenditures incurred for any project or activity during the period for which funds or authority for such project or activity are available under this joint resolution. SEC. 104. Expenditures made pursuant to this joint resolution shall be charged to the applicable appropriation, fund, or authorization whenever a bill in which such applicable appropriation, fund, or authorization is contained is enacted into law. SEC. 105. Any appropriation for fiscal year 1985 required to be apportioned pursuant to subchapter II of chapter 15 of title 31, United States Code, may be apportioned on a basis indicating the 31 USC 1511. need (to the extent any such increases cannot be absorbed within available appropriations) for a supplemented or deficiency estimate of appropriation to the extent necessary to permit payment of such pay increases as may be granted pursuant to law to civilian officers and employees and to active and retired military personnel. Each such appropriation shall otherwise be subject to the requirements of subchapter II of chapter 15 of title 31, United States Code. 97 Stat. 1230. SEC. 113. Section 12010t)Xl) of the National Housing Act is 12 USC 1749bbb. amended— (1) by striking out "September 30, 1984" and inserting in lieu thereof "September 30, 1985"; and (2) in subparagraph (A), by inserting after "1985" the following: ", and September 30, 1986, respectively". SEC. 108. Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, for an additional amount for "Abatement, control and compliance, Environmental Protection Agency", $13,000,000, to remain available until expended, which shall be available to the city of Akron, Ohio, to refinance the bond debt of the recycle energy system of such city: Provided, That such sum may not exceed 60 percent of such debt: Provided further. That the facilities of such recycle energy system shall be made available to the Federal Government as a laboratory facility for municipal waste to energy research. SEC. 108B. For expenses necessary to carry out loan guarsmty and 38 USC 1801 et insurance operations, as authorized by law (38 U.S.C. chapter 37, seq. except administrative expenses, as authorized by section 1824 of such title), $306,600,000 is hereby appropriated for "Loan guaranty revolving fund, Veterans' Administration", to remain available until expended. SEC. 109. The penultimate proviso in the paragraph under the heading "Rent Supplement" in the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1983 (Public Law 98-63, 97 Stat. 301, 320) is amended to read as follows: "Provided further. That upon the completion of each con12 USC 1701s, tract under such section 101 or 236(fK2) on behalf of qualified 1715Z-1. tenants on a State-aided, noninsured rental housing project, the 42 USC 9801 note.