Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/1133

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984


98 STAT. 3505

(5) In section 108, insert a comma after "1858)". (6) In section 110(g)— (A) insert a comma in paragraph (1) after "694)"; and (B) strike out "1985" in paragraph (2) and insert in lieu thereof "1984". (7) In section 201(a), strike out "$9,408,596,000" and insert in lieu thereof "$9,409,596,000". (8) In section 202(a)(2), strike out "referred to in paragraph (1)(B)" and insert in lieu thereof "described in paragraph (1)". (9) In section 205, insert an open quotation mark at the beginning of subsection (c) of the section proposed to be amended by that section and strike out "this section" in that subsection and insert in lieu thereof "subsection (a)". (10) In section 207— (A) strike out "nominates" in paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "appoints, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,"; (B) insert "and" at the end of paragraph (1); and (C) strike out paragraph (2) and redesignate paragraph (3) as paragraph (2). (11) In the heading for title IV, insert "AUTHORIZATIONS" at the end. (12) In section 513, strike out "(a)" before "Section 3851". (13) In the heading for section 514, strike out "UEUTANANTS" and insert in lieu thereof "UEUTENANTS". (14) In the heading for section 523, strike out "TO". (15) In section 525— (A) strike out " 0 - 3 " in the heading and insert in lieu thereof "0-2"; and (B) redesignate paragraph (4) as subsection (c). (16) In the matter proposed to be inserted by the amendments made by section 531(1), insert a comma after 1981". (17) In section 542(a)(l), insert a semicolon and close quotation marks before the semicolon. (18) In section 543— (A) insert "PROGRAM" in the heading after "ROTC"; and (B) in the matter proposed to be stricken out by subsection (a)(D, insert "at least" after "have". (19) In section 602(fK3)— (A) strike out "(A)" before "For the period beginning"; (B) strike out "annualized cost" and insert in lieu thereof "median annual costs"; and (C) strike out "(B)" and run the sentence beginning "In determining" in after "fiscal year 1984.". (20XA) In clause (G) of section 1072(2) of title 10, United States Code, as proposed to be added by section 645(a)(3), insert a period at the end. (B) Section 645(b) is amended— (i) by striking out "Section 1006 of Public Law 97252" and inserting in lieu thereof "Section 1006(d) of the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act (title X of Public Law 97-252; 96 Stat. 738)"; and (ii) by inserting "and" at the end of paragraph (1) and by inserting a period at the end of paragraph (2). (21) In section 1411 of title 38, United States Code, as proposed to be added by section 702— (A) in subsection (a)(l)(A)— (i) insert "first" before "becomes a member"; and