Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/368

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2740

PUBLIC LAW 98-543—OCT. 24, 1984

implementation of section 363 of title 38, United States Code (as added by subsection (a)(D), during the three-year period beginning on February 1, 1985. The report shall include— (1) information regarding— (A) the number of veterans with a disability rating of total based on inability to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation who during such period followed a substantially gainful occupation for a period of twelve consecutive months and the work experience of those veterans and their disability ratings after completing such twelve-month period and (if known) the number of veterans with such a rating who during the period covered by the report followed a substantially gainful occupation but did not maintain employment in it for a period of twelve consecutive months, (B) the number of veterans who during the period covered by the report were provided with evaluations under subsection (b) of such section, (C) the number of veterans provided such evaluations for whom a plan of vocational rehabilitation was formulated pursuant to such subsection, (D) the number of veterans for whom such a plan was formulated who elected, and who did not elect, to pursue a vocational rehabilitation program, (E) the extent to which those veterans who elected to pursue such a program completed the program, and (F) the subsequent work experience and disability ratings of the veterans who were provided such evaluations; (2) a tabulation of the reasons given by such veterans for not electing to pursue such a program by those who did not elect to pursue such a program; and (3) the Administrator's assessment of the value (including the cost-effectiveness) and effect of such implementation and any recommendations of the Administrator for administrative and legislative action based on such results and assessment. TECHNICAL AMENDMENT

38 USC 335.

SEC. 112. (a) Section 335 is amended by striking out "50 per centum" and inserting in lieu thereof "30 percent". Effective date. (b) The amendment made by subsection (a) shall take effect as of 38 USC 835 note. October 1, 1978. TITLE II—VETERANS' REHABILITATION, EDUCATION, AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS PART A—RATE INCREASES RATES OF R E H A B I U T A T I O N SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCES FOR VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABIUTIES

38 USC 1508.

SEC. 201. The table contained in section 1508(b) is amended to read as follows: