Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/623

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-573—OCT. 30, 1984

98 STAT. 2995

(2) For purposes of paragraph 1(B), scientific testing equipment provided by the Max Planck Institute and necessary for aligning, calibrating, or otherwise testing an instrument or apparatus shall be considered to be part of such instrument or apparatus. (b) The University of Arizona or the Max Planck Institute shall submit to the United States Customs Service and to the International Trade Administration descriptions of the articles sought to be admitted free of duty containing sufficient detail to allow the United States Customs Service to determine whether subsection (a)(1)(A) is satisfied and the International Trade Administration to determine whether subsection (a)(l)(B) is satisfied. The descriptions may be submitted in a single or in several submissions to each agency, as the University of Arizona or the Max Planck Institute deem appropriate during the course of the project. The United States Customs Service and the International Trade Administration are directed to make their respective determinations under this section within ninety days of the date the agency receives a sufficient submission of information with respect to any article. (c) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to readmit free of duty any article admitted free of duty under subsection (a) and subsequently returned to the Federal Republic of Germany for repair, replacement, or modification. (d) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to admit free of duty any repair components for articles admitted free of duty under subsection (a). (e) If any article admitted free of duty under subsection (a) is used for any purpose other than the joint project described in subsection (a)(1) within five years after being entered, duty on the article shall be assessed in accordance with the procedures established in headnote 1 of part 4 of schedule 8 (19 U.S.C. 1202). (f) The provisions of subsection (a) shall apply with respect to articles entered for consumption after the day which is 15 days after the date of enactment of this Act and before November 1, 1993. SEC. 241 DUTY-FREE ENTRY FOR RESEARCH EQUIPMENT FOR NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA. The research equipment that was imported for the use of North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, and entered on September 15, 1983, under entry number 83-116431-9, at Seattle, Washington, shall be considered to have been admitted free of duty as of the date of such entry. If the liquidation of such entry has become final, the Secretary of the Treasury shall reliquidate such entry and make the appropriate refund of any duty paid on such equipment. SEC. 242. DUTY-FREE ENTRY FOR PIPE ORGAN FOR THE CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL GARDEN GROVE, CALIFORNIA.

The pipe organ which was imported for the use of the Crystal Cathedral of Garden Grove, California, and entered in six shipments between April 30, 1981, and April 8, 1982, at Los Angeles, California, shall be considered to have been admitted free of duty as of the date of each such entry. If the liquidation of any such entry has become final, the Secretary of the Treasury shall reliquidate each such entry and make the appropriate refund of any duty paid on such organ.

Effective date,