Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/720

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 3092

PUBLIC LAW 98-580—OCT. 30, 1984 Public Law 98-580 98th Congress An Act

Oct. 30, 1984 [H.R. 4473]

Public buildings and grounds.

To designate the Federal Archives and Records Center in San Bruno, California, as the "Leo J. Ryan Memorial Federal Archives and Records Center".

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Archives and Records Center located at 1000 Commodore Drive in San Bruno, California, is designated as the "Leo J. Ryan Memorial Federal Archives and Records Center". Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, record or other paper of the United States to that building shall be deemed to be a reference to the "Leo J. Ryan Memorial Federal Archives and Records Center". Approved October 30, 1984.

LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 4473: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 129 (1983): Nov. 18, considered and passed House. Vol. 130 (1984): Oct. 10, considered and passed Senate.