Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/728

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 3100

PUBLIC LAW 98-585—OCT. 30, 1984

Public Law 98 -585 98th Congress An Act Oct. 30, 1984 [H.R. 5076] Pennsylvania Wilderness Act of 1984. National Wilderness Preservation System. National Forest System. National parks, monuments, etc. 16 USC 460qq note.

To designate certain areas in the Allegheny National Forest as wilderness and recreation areas.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Pennsylvania Wilderness Act of 1984". FINDINGS

SEC. 2. The Congress finds and declares that— (1) there is an urgent need to identify and protect natural areas to meet the recreational needs of Americans; (2) certain lands within the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania are worthy of inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System; and (3) certain other lands within the Allegheny National Forest are suitable for designation as a national recreational area. PURPOSE

16 USC 460qq note.

SEC. 3. It is the purpose of this Act to— (1) establish the Allegheny Islands Wilderness and the Hickory Creek Wilderness; (2) establish the Allegheny National Recreation Area so as to ensure the preservation and protection of the area's natural, scenic, scientific, historic, archaeological, ecological, educational, watershed, and wildlife values and to provide for the enhancement of recreational opportunities, particularly undeveloped recreational opportunities; and (3) ensure that any mineral exploration and development that takes place within the recreation area is done in an environmentally sound manner. WILDERNESS DESIGNATIONS

16 USC 1132 note.

16 USC 1132 note.

SEC. 4. In furtherance of the purposes of the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131-1136), the following lands in the State of Pennsylvania are hereby designated as wilderness and, therefore, as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System: (1) certain lands in the Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania, which comprise approximately three hundred and sixtyeight acres, as generally depicted on a map entitled "Allegheny Islands Wilderness—Proposed", dated March 1984, composed of Crulls Island, Thompsons Island, R. Thompsons Island, Courson Island, King Island, Baker Island, and No Name Island, and which shall be known as the Allegheny Islands Wilderness; and (2) certain lands in the Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania, which comprise approximately nine thousand three hundred and thirty-seven acres as generally depicted on a map entitled "Hickory Creek Wilderness—Proposed", dated March