Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/878

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 3250

Study. 42 USC 6921.

Study. 42 USC 6921 note.

Report. 42 USC 6921 note.

study. 42 USC 6921 note.

PUBLIC LAW 98-616—NOV. 8, 1984

of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 to help assure compliance. (c) The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency in cooperation with the States shall conduct a study of hazardous waste identified or listed under section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act which is generated by individual generators in total quantities for each generator during any calendar month of less than one thousand kilograms. The Administrator may require from such generators information as may be necessary to conduct the study. Such study shall include a characterization of the number and type of such generators, the quantity and characteristics of hazardous waste generated by such generators. State requirements applicable to such generators, the individual and industry waste management practices of such generators, the potential costs of modifying those practices and the impact of such modifications on national treatment and disposal facility capacity, and the threat to human health and the environment and the employees of transporters or others involved in solid waste management posed by such hazardous wastes or such management practices. Such study shall be submitted to the Congress not later than April 1, 1985. (d) The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall cause to be studied the existing manifest system for hazardous wastes as it applies to small quantity generators and recommend whether the current system shall be retained or whether a new system should be introduced. The study shall include an analysis of the cost versus the benefits of the system studied as well as an analysis of the ease of retrieving and collating information and identifying a given substance. Finally, any new proposal shall include a list of those standards that are necessary to protect human health and the environment. Such study shall be submitted to the Congress not later than April 1, 1987. (e) The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, in conjunction with the Secretary of Transportation, shall prepare and submit to the Congress a report on the feasibility of easing the administrative burden on small quantity generators, increasing compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, and simplifying enforcement efforts through a program of licensing hazardous waste transporters to assume the responsibilities of small quantity generators relating to the preparation of manifests and associated recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The report shall examine the appropriate licensing requirements under such a program including the need for financial assurances by licensed transporters and shall make recommendations on provisions and requirements for such a program including the appropriate division of responsibilities between the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Administration. Such report shall be submitted to the Congress not later than April 1, 1987. (fKD The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, the States, and appropriate educational associations, conduct a comprehensive study of problems associated with the accumulation, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes from educational institutions. The study shall include an investigation of the feasibility and availability of environmentally sound methods for the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste from such institutions, taking into account the types and quantities of such waste which are generated by these institutions, and the nonprofit nature of these institutions.