Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/913

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-616—NOV. 8, 1984

98 STAT. 3285

accordance with the purposes of that section, except that such record, report, document, or information may be disclosed to other officers, employees, or authorized representatives of the United States concerned with carrying out this Act, or when relevent in any proceeding under this Act. "(2) Any person not subject to the provisions of section 1905 of title 18 of the United States Code who knowingly and willfully divulges or discloses any information entitled to protection under this subsection shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 or to imprisonment not to exceed one year, or both. "(3) In submitting data under this subtitle, a person required to provide such data may— "(A) designate the data which such person believes is entitled to protection under this subsection, and "(B) submit such designated data separately from other data submitted under this subtitle. A designation under this paragraph shall be made in writing and in such manner as the Administrator may prescribe. "(4) Notwithstanding any limitation contained in this section or any other provision of law, all information reported to, or otherwise obtained, by the Administrator (or any representative of the Administrator) under this Act shall be made available, upon written request of any duly authorized committee of the Congress, to such committee (including records, reports, or information obtained by representatives of the Evironmental Protection Agency).

Crimes and misdemeanors.

FEDERAL ENFORCEMENT "SEC. 9006. (a) COMPLIANCE ORDERS.—(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), whenever on the basis of any information, the Administrator determines that any person is in violation of any requirement of this subtitle, the Administrator may issue an order requiring compliance within a reasonable specified time period or the Administrator may commence a civil action in the United States district court in which the violation occurred for appropriate relief, including a temporary or permanent injunction. "(2) In the case of a violation of any requirement of this subtitle where such violation occurs in a State with a program approved under section 9004, the Administrator shall give notice to the State in which such violation has occurred prior to issuing an order or commencing a civil action under this section. "(3) If a violator fails to comply with an order under this subsection within the time specified in the order, he shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 for each day of continued noncompliance. "(b) PROCEDURE.—Any order issued under this section shall become final unless, no later than thirty days after the order is served, the person or persons named therein request a public hearing. Upon such request the Administrator shall promptly conduct a public hearing. In connection with any proceeding under this section the Administrator may issue subpoenas for the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, and documents, and may promulgate rules for discovery procedures. "(c) CONTENTS OF ORDER.—Any order issued under this section shall state with reasonable specificity the nature of the violation, specify a reasonable time for compliance, and assess a penalty, if

Crimes and misdemeanors. 42 USC 6991e.