Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/968

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 3340

5 USC 8101, 8301 et seq., 8701 et seq., 8901 et seq.

PUBLIC LAW 98-620—NOV. 8, 1984

(d)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), officers and employees of the Institute shall not be considered officers or employees of the United States. (2) Officers and employees of the Institute shall be considered officers and employees of the United States solely for the purposes of the following provisions of title 5, United States Code: Subchapter I of chapter 81 (relating to compensation for work injuries); chapter 83 (relating to civil service retirement); chapter 87 (relating to life insurance); and chapter 89 (relating to health insurance). The Institute shall make contributions under the provisions referred to in this subsection at the same rates applicable to agencies of the Federal Government. (e) The Institute and its officers and employees shall be subject to the provisions of section 552 of title 5, United States Code, relating to freedom of information. GRANTS AND CONTRACTS

42 USC 10705.

Research and development.

Public information.



SEC. 206. (a) The Institute is authorized to award grants and enter into cooperative agreements or contracts, in a manner consistent with subsection (b), in order to— (1) conduct research, demonstrations, or special projects pertaining to the purposes described in this title, and provide technical assistance and training in support of tests, demonstrations, and special projects; (2) serve as a clearinghouse and information center, where not otherwise adequately provided, for the preparation, publication, and dissemination of information regarding State judicial systems; (8) participate in joint projects with other agencies, including the Federal Judicial Center, with respect to the purposes of this title; (4) evaluate, when appropriate, the programs and projects carried out under this title to determine their impact upon the quality of criminal, civil, and juvenile justice and the extent to which they have met or failed to meet the purposes and policies of this title; (5) encourage and assist in the furtherance of judicial education; (6) encourage, assist, and serve in a consulting capacity to State and local justice system agencies in the development, maintenance, and coordination of criminal, civil, and juvenile justice programs and services; and (7) be responsible for the certification of national programs that are intended to aid and improve State judicial systems. (b) The Institute is empowered to award grants and enter into cooperative agreements or contracts as follows: (1) The Institute shall give priority to grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts with— (A) State and local courts and their agencies, (B) national nonprofit organizations controlled by, operating in conjunction with, and serving the judicial branches of State governments; and (C) national nonprofit organizations for the education and training of judges aad-support personnel of the judicial branch of State governments.