Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/1145

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-178—DEC. 12, 1985

99 STAT. 1123

$750,000 shall be available for a grant to South Carolina to pay the full cost of the construction of the Comprehensive Medical Rehabilitation Center to be located in Columbia, South Carolina. From the remainder of amounts appropriated to carry out the Rehabilitation Act, $5,000,000, to remain available until expended, shall be available, in accordance with section 311 of the Rehabilitation Act, for a grant to the Oregon Hearing Institute, in Portland, Oregon, to pay the full cost of the research activities, and the construction and renovation associated with those activities. The amounts to carry out title VI-B (pertaining to projects with industry and business opportunities for handicapped individuals) and title VII-B (pertaining to (Centers for Independent Living) of the Rehabilitation Act shall be used to assist only those entities assisted thereunder during fiscal year 1985, except for any portion of such amounts made available due either to the failure of any such entity to apply for continued funding or a determination by the ([!!ommissioner that there is a substantial failure of any such entity to comply with provisions of its approved application.

29 USC 701 note. 98 Stat. 26. 29 USC 777a. 29USe795g. 29 USC 796e.


For carrying out, to the extent not otherwise provided, the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act, and the Adult Education Act, $940,777,000 which shall become available for obligation on July 1, 1986, and shall remain available until September 30, 1987: Provided, That $10,000,000 shall be available for title IV, parts A and C of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act including $6,000,000 for section 404 of said title: Provided further. That $7,300,000 shall be available for State advisory councils under section 112 of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act shall be used to provide to each State an amount equal to the amount it received in the previous fiscal year: Provided further. That no State shall receive less under title II of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act than it received in the previous year: Provided further. That $101,963,000 for the Adult Education Act shall be used to provide to each State an amount equal to the amount it received under said Act in the previous year: Provided further. That $2,300,000 shall be made available for the National Occupational Information Ox)rdinating Committee: Provided further. That $7,500,000 shall be made available to carry out title III-A of that Act and $31,633,000 shall be made available for title III-B of that Act. STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE

For carrying out subparts 1, 2, and 3 of part A, and parts C and E of title IV of the Higher Education Act, as amended, $4,887,000,000 which shall remain available until September 30, 1987, of which $412,500,000 shall be available for carrying out subpart 2 of part A of title rV of the Higher Education Act: Provided, That amounts appropriated for Pell Grants shall be available first to meet any insufficiencies in entitlements resulting from the payment schedule for Pell Grants published by the Secretary of Education for the 1985-86 academic year: Provided further. That pursuant to section 411(b)(4)(A) of the Higher Education Act, amounts appropriated herein for Pell Grants which exceed the amounts required to meet the payment schedule published for any fiscal year by 15 per centum or less shall be carried forward and merged with amounts appro-

98 Stat. 2435. 20 USC 2301 note. 20 USC 1201 note. 98 Stat. 2466. 20 USC 2401. 98 Stat. 2472. 20 USC 2421. 98 Stat. 2468. 20 USC 2404. 98 Stat. 2443. 29 USC 2322. 98 Stat. 2450. 20 USC 2331.

98 Stat. 2457. 20 USC 2351. 98 Stat. 2458. 20 USC 2361. Grants. 20 USC 1070a, 1070b, 1070(5. 42 USC 2751; 20 u s e 1088.

20 USC 1070a.