Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/1162

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985




Compact of Free Association Act of Concurrent Resolutions—Continued Rose, Peter Edward, commendation 1985 1770 on accomplishments in baseball 1960 Department of Defense Authorization Sakharov, Dr. Andrei, U.S.S.R. Act, 1986 583 dismissal of charges against and Export Administration Amendments restoration of basic freedoms 1960 Act of 1985 120 Sequoia, former Presidential yacht, Farm Credit Amendments Act of recognition 1971 1985 1678 Conndentiality. See Classified r Federal Civilian Employee and Information. 3 Contractor Travel Expenses Act Congress: i of 1985 1756 See also Concurrent Resolutions. Federal employees health benefits Balanced Budget and Emergency program 93 Deficit Control Act of 1985 1038 Food Security Act of 1985 1354 Former Speakers of the House, office Foreign Relations Authorization Act, space availability 1743 Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 405 Ninety-ninth, convening second Health Professions Training session 1755 Assistance Act of 1985 523 Senators, telephone service 163 Health Research Extension Act of Congressional Award Act, 1985 820 amendments 934 Housing and community development Congressional Award Amendments of insurance, extension 502,815, 1730 1985 934 Imputed interest rules, simplification, Congressional Budget Act of 1974, etc 505 amendments... 1040, 1056, 1058-1060, Indian Education Technical 1094 Amendments Act of 1985 379 Congressional Budget and International Security and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, Development Cooperation Act of amendments 1039, 1040, 1061, 1062 1985 190 Connecticut, Low-Level Radioactive Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Waste Policy Amendments Act of Amendments Act of 1985 1842 1985 1842 Military Construction Authorization Conservation: Act, 1986 961 See also Historic Preservation. National Aeronautics and Space Alaska land conveyance 460 Administration Authorization Alaska mineral development 1761 Act of 1986 1012 Arts, Humanities, and Museums National Science, Engineering, and Amendments of 1985 1332 Mathematics Authorization Act Compact of Free Association Act of of 1986 887 1985 1770 New York, land conveyance 1661 Energy Policy and Conservation Amendments Act of 1985 102 Nurse Education Amendments of 1985 393 Food Security Act of 1985 1354 387 Kentucky Wilderness Act of 1985 1351 Orphan Drug Amendments of 1985 Overseas Private Investment Maryland-National Capital Park and Corporation Amendments Act of Planning Commission, land 1985 1669 conveyance 1724 Veterans, health care services abroad Military Construction Authorization and alcohol and drug abuse ^ir^oJl Act, 1986 961 treatment and rehabilitation * Consolidated Farm and Rural services 481 Development Act, amendments...1518, 1519, 1521-1526, 1528-1532 Veterans' Administration HealthCare Amendments of 1985 941 Constitution of the United States, Controlled Substances. See Drugs and Arts, Humanities, and Museums Drug Abuse. ,.;d'*i:in Amendments of 1985 1332 Copyrights: Contract Work Hours and Safety Arts, Humanities, and Museums Standards Act, amendments 734 Amendments of 1985 1332 Contracts: Riddick's Senate Procedure 176 Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 1038 Corn. See Agriculture and Agricultural Commodities. r ' Bethune Museum and Archives 1181 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law, with the exception of acts being amended or repealed, which cite to pages where they actually appear.