Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/616

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 594 Post, p. 742.

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985 (B) Section 1401 shall not apply to any transfer under this paragraph of funds appropriated for fiscal year 1986. (d) OTHER PROCUREMENT, NAVY.—(1)(A) Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1986 for other procurement for the Navy in the amount of $6,040,800,000. (B) There is hereby authorized to be transferred to, and merged with, amounts appropriated for other procurement for the Navy, the amount of $221,000,000, to be derived from amounts appropriated for fiscal years 1984 and 1985 for other procurement for the Navy, of which— (i) $70,000,000 shall be derived from amounts appropriated for fiscal year 1984; and (ii) $151,000,000 shall be derived from amounts appropriated for fiscal year 1985. (2) Funds appropriated or otherwise made available for other procurement for the Navy for fiscal year 1986 pursuant to the authorizations in paragraph (1) are available as follows: (A) $935,000,000 is available only for the ship support equipment program; (B) $2,134,500,000 is available only for the communications and electronics equipment program; (C) $1,206,800,000 is available only for aviation support equip- j ment; (D) $1,396,500,000 is available only for the ordnance support equipment program; (E) a total of $685,000,000 is available only for programs for civil engineering support equipment, supply support equipment, and personnel/command support equipment; (F) $279,800,000 is available only for spares and repair parts; and (G) $125,300,000 is available only for non-centrally managed items. (e) PROCUREMENT, MARINE CORPS.—(1) Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1986 for procurement for the Marine Corps (including missiles, tracked combat vehicles, and other weapons) in the amount of $1,727,400,000. (2) There is hereby authorized to be transferred to, and merge with, amounts appropriated for procurement for the Marine Corps for fiscal year 1986 pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in paragraph (1) $28,000,000 to be derived from amounts appropriated for fiscal year 1985 for procurement for the Marine Corps. (f) AUTHORIZED MULTIYEAR CONTRACTS.—(1) The Secretary of


Navy may enter into multiyear contracts in accordance with section 2306(h) of title 10, United States Code, for procurement of the following: LHD-1 class amphibious assault ships. MK-46 torpedoes and modification kits. (2) The Secretary of the Navy may not enter into a multiyear contract for the procurement of the P-3C Orion antisubmarine warfare patrol aircraft. (g) FUNDING FOR SHIP CONTRACT DESIGN.—Any request submitted to Congress for appropriations for a fiscal year after fiscal year 1986 for ship contract design necessary to support the procurement of ships included (at the time the request is submitted) in the Navy's five-year shipbuilding and conversion plan shall be reflected in the Shipbuilding and Conversion account of the Navy.