Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/622

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 600


10 USC 139a.

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985 during the development of the vehicle meets the requirements of subsection (b). "(b) The testing of a vehicle referred to in subsection (a) shall include testing of the vulnerability of such vehicle to the most capable weapon that is likely to be a combat threat to the vehicle and against which the vehicle is designed to survive. Such tests— "(1) shall be carried out in a manner modeled after the Joint Live-Fire Test Program for the Bradley Fighting Vehicle; and "(2) if the test vehicle is to replace an existing vehicle, shall at least include test shots fired under the same conditions at both the test vehicle and the vehicle it is to replace, with each vehicle being equipped with all of the elements with which the vehicle would be equipped in combat. "(c)(1) The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the defense committees a report with respect to the testing of each vehicle for which testing is required under this section. "(2) A report under paragraph (1)— "(A) shall be submitted in both a classified and unclassified form; "(B) shall be submitted with the first request to Congress for appropriations for procurement— "(i) of the vehicle; or "(ii) of modifications to an existing vehicle. "(3) Each such report shall include— "(A) a complete description of the firing parameters used in the testing and an analysis of the effect on the vehicle of each test shot made; "(B) a description and justification of the merit and pass/fail criterion used in carrying out the test; "(C) a description of the potential shortcomings of the vehicle that were revealed by the testing and (if any were revealed) the plan of the Secretary to incorporate into the design of the vehicle changes that are considered cost effective and that are necessary to overcome such shortcomings; and "(D) if the test vehicle is to replace an existing vehicle, a comparison— "(i) of the estimated unit cost of each newly developed vehicle (or of the newly developed survivability modifications being made to an existing vehicle); with "(ii) the unit cost of the vehicle that is to be replaced by the test vehicle. "(d) The Secretary of Defense shall include in the Department of Defense plan referred to as the Test and Evaluation Master Plan that is established for any major vehicle program an estimated cost and schedule of the testing to be carried out with respect to the program. "(e) In this section: "(1) 'Major vehicle program' means a major defense acquisition program for the acquisition of— "(A) a newly developed combat wheeled or tracked armored vehicle; or "(B) a combat wheeled or tracked armored vehicle with significant newly developed survivability modifications. "(2) 'Major defense acquisition program means a program subject to the Selected Acquisition Report requirements of section 139a of this title.