Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/631

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985

99 STAT. 609

(2) such contract includes options of the United States for procurement under such program for fiscal years after fiscal year 1986 with maximum prices established for such options; and (3) the contractor for such contract has provided a complete data package to the Navy— (A) at no additional cost to the United States; and (B) containing no manufacturing or proprietary data rights of the contractor. (e) ACQUISITION OF ANTI-SUBMARINE WARFARE TRAINING SYS-

TEMS.—The Secretary of the Navy shall initiate a competitive procurement of three service test models of the LAMPS Mark I antisubmarine warfare shipboard training system for the Naval Reserve during fiscal year 1986. Of the funds appropriated pursuant to the authorizations of appropriations in section 201(a)(2), $6,800,000 may not be obhgated before such test models are procured. SEC. 206. LIMITATIONS ON FUNDS FOR THE AIR FORCE

Of the amount authorized in section 201 for the Air Force— (1) $60,000,000 is available only for research, development, test, and evaluation for the Integrated Electronic Warfare system (INEWS) and the Integrated Communication, Navigation, Identification Avionics (ICNIA) system; (2) $22,000,000 is available only for the research, development, test, and evaluation to modify the F-4 aircraft to satisfy the Air Force air defense mission; (3) $19,570,000 is available only for a classified reconnaissance system; (4) $211,276,000 is available only for the Very High Speed Inte^ated Circuits (VHSIC) prc^ram; (5) $15,000,000 is available only for the Pave Tiger system; and (6) $11,742,000 is available only for the Software Engineering Institute.

Ante, p. 605.

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(a) IN GENERAL.—Of the amount authorized in section 201 for the Defense Asrencies (1) $300,000,000 is available only for the Joint Advanced Systems program; (2) $81,250,000 is available only for the University Research Initiative prc^ram, of which $1,000,000 is available only for computer and related research at Sjn-acuse University, Syracuse, New York; (3) $1,000,000 is available for use by the Defense Logistics Agen(^ to conduct a demonstration of advanced clothing manufacturing technology and to procure and field test military clothing produced using advanced manufacturing techniques; (4) $500,000 is available only for use by the Defense Logistics Agency for the Military Sewn Products Automation P r t ^ a m (MILSPA); and (5) $142,000,000 is available only for the Strategic Computing Initiative. Ob) LIMITATION OF FUNDS FOR THE JOINT TACTICAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ( J T I D S).—Of the amount authorized in sec-

tion 201 for the Defense Agencies, $200,000,000 is available only for research and development of a common Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) program. None of such amount may be

Ante, p. 605.