Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/636

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 614

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985

sible, but not later than submission of the budget request of the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1989. SEC. 224. CONGRESSIONAL POLICY REGARDING CONSULTATION WITH OTHER MEMBERS OF NATO ON THE STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE (a) CoMMENDATiON OF PRESIDENT'S AcTiON.—The Congress commends the President's attempts to initiate cooperation between the United States and other member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on the Strategic Defense Initiative. (b) CJONSULTATION AND COOPERATION WiTH OTHER NATO NATIONS.—It is the sense of Congress— (1) that the mutual defense of NATO member nations is strengthened when there is a high degree of consultation and cooperation among member nations; and President of U.S. (2) that the President should continue consultations with other member nations of NATO on the Strategic Defense Initiative program and, to the maximum extent feasible and within national security guidelines, keep such member nations informed of the progress, plans, and potential proposals of the United States regarding such p n ^ a m.

23 UST 3435.

SEC. 225. CONGRESSIONAL EXPRESSION ON THE STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE AND THE ABM TREATY (a) FINDINGS REGARDING ABM TREATY.—The Congress f i n d s CD that the President's Commission on Strategic Forces declared in its report to the President, dated March 21, 1984, that "One of the most successful arms control agreements is the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972"; and (2) that the Secretary of State has stated that the "ABM Treaty requires consultations, and the President has explicitly recc^nized that any ABM-related deployments arising from research into ballistic missile defenses would be a matter for consultations and negotiation between the Parties". (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING S D I AND THE ABM TREATY.—It

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

23 UST 3435.

is the sense of Congress— (1) that it fully supports the declared policy of the President that a principal objective of the United States in negotiations with the Soviet Union on nuclear and space arms is to reverse the erosion of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972; (2) that action by the Congress in approving funds for research on the Strategic Defense Initiative— (A) does not express or imply an intention on the part of the Congress that the United States should abrogate, violate, or otherwise erode such treaty; and (B) does not express or imply any determination or commitment on the part of the Congress that the United States develop, test, or deploy ballistic missile strategic defense weaponry that would contravene such treaty; and (3) that funds appropriated for the S t r a t ^ c Defense Initiative prc^ram should not be used in a manner inconsistent with any of the treaties commonly known as the Limited Test Ban Treaty, the Threshold Test Ban Treaty, the Outer Space Treaty, or the AntiBallistic Missile Treaty of 1972.