Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/902

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 880

Repeal. 42 USC 287i note. 42 USC 289d note.

PUBLIC LAW 99-158—NOV. 20, 1985 "(2) If the direct cost of a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract (described in subsection (a)) to be made exceeds $50,000, the Secretary may make such grant, cooperative agreement, or contract only if such grant, cooperative agreement, or contract is recommended— "(A) after technical and scientific peer review required by regulations under subsections (a) and (b), and "(B) by the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, or the National Mental Health Advisory Council, as is appropriate.". (d) ORPHAN DRUG ACT.—Section 8(w) of the Orphan Drug Act (Public Law 97-414) is repealed. SEC. 4. PLAN FOR RESEARCH INVOLVING ANIMALS. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF PLAN.—The Director of the National In-

stitutes of Health shall establish a plan for— (1) research to be conducted by or through the National Institutes of Health and the national research institutes into methods of biomedical research and experimentation— (A) which do not require the use of animals; (B) which reduce the number of animals used in such research; or (C) which produce less pain and distress in such animals than methods currently in use; (2) establishing the validity and reliability of the methods described in subparagraph (A); (3) the development of such methods which have been found to be valid and reliable; and (4) the training of scientists in the use of such methods. The plan required by this paragraph shall be prepared not later than October 1, 1986. (b) DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION.—The Director of the National

Institutes of Health shall take such actions as may be appropriate to convey to scientists and others involved with research or experimentation involving animals information respecting the methods found to be valid and reliable under subsection (a)(2). Establishment.


National Institutes of Health shall establish within the National Institutes of Health an Interagency Coordinating Committee to assist the Director of the National Institutes of Health in the development of the plan required by subsection (a). The Director of each national research institute shall serve on the Committee. Lupus Erythematosus Coordinating Committee. 42 USC 281 note.


(a) ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMITTEE.—The Secretary shall establish a Lupus Erythematosus Coordinating Committee to plan, develop, coordinate, and implement comprehensive Federal initiatives in research on Lupus Erythematosus. (b) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION AND MEETINGS.—(1) The Committee

shall be composed of— (A) the Director of the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke (or the designee of such Director); (B) the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (or the designee of such Director);