Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/910

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 888

PUBLIC LAW 99-159—NOV. 22, 1985 basic scientific research to support a better understanding of the phenomena that contribute to acid rain. SCIENTIFIC REVIEW PRIOR TO CLOSURE OF A NATIONAL FACILITY

Prohibition. Ante, p. 887.

SEC. 103. Of the funds authorized to be appropriated in section 102, no funds shall be expended with respect to closure of a National facility without appropriate scientific review, including review by the National Science Foundation's appropriate advisory committee or committees and the National Science Board. AVAILABILITY

Ante, p. 887; infra.

SEC. 104. Appropriations made under authority provided in sections 102 and 106 shall remain available for obligation for periods specified in the Acts making the appropriations. OFFICIAL E X P E N S E S


SEC. 105. From appropriations made under authorizations provided in this Act, not more than $3,500 for fiscal year 1986 may be used for official consultation, representation, or other extraordinary expenses at the discretion of the Director of the National Science Foundation. The determination of the Director shall be final and conclusive upon the accounting officers of the Government. FOREIGN CURRENCY AUTHORIZATION

Prohibition. Ante, p. 887.

SEC. 106. In addition to the sums authorized by section 102, not more than $1,000,000 for fiscal year 1986 are authorized to be appropriated for expenses of the National Science Foundation incurred outside the United States, to be drawn from foreign currencies that the Treasury Department determines to be excess to the normal requirements of the United States. TRANSFERS AUTHORIZED

Ante, p. 887.

SEC. 107. (a) Funds may be transferred among the categories listed in section 102(a), so long as the net funds transferred to or from any category do not exceed 10 percent of the amount authorized for that category in section 102. (b) The Director of the Foundation may propose transfers to or from any category exceeding 10 percent of the amounts authorized for that category in section 102. An explanation of any such proposed transfer must be transmitted in writing to the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, the Committees on Labor and Human Resources and Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives. The proposed transfer may be made only when thirty calendar days have passed after submission of the written propose. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS

42 USC 1886.

SEC. 108. The National Science Foundation is authorized to design, establish, and maintein a data collection and analysis capability in the Foundation for the purpose of identifying and assessing the research facilities needs of universities. The needs of universities, by major field of science and engineering, for construction and modernization of research laboratories, including fixed equipment and