Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/661

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-239—JAN. 14, 1986





Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec.


99 STAT. 1771

(d) Amendment, Change, or Termination in the Compact and Certain Agreements. (e) Subsidiary Agreements Deemed Bilateral. (f) Effective Date. 102. Agreements With Federated States of Micronesia. (a) Law Enforcement Assistance. (b) Economic Development Plans Review Process. (c) Agreement on Audits. 103. Agreements With and Other Provisions Related to the Marshall Islands. (a) Law Enforcement Assistance. (b) Economic Development Plans Review Process. (c) Ejit. (d) Kwajalein Payments. (e) Section 177 Agreement. (0 Nuclear Test Effects. (g) Espousal Provisions. (h) DOE Radiological Health Care Program; USDA Agricultural and Food Programs, (i) Rongelap. (j) Four Atoll Health Care Program. (k) Enjebi Community Trust Fund. (1) Bikini Atoll Cleanup, (m) Agreement on Audits. 104. Interpretation of and United States Policy Regarding Compact of Free Association. (a) Human Rights. (b) Immigration. (c) Nonalienation of Lands. (d) Nuclear Waste Disposal. (e) Impact of Compact on U.S. Areas. (f) Fisheries Management. (g) Foreign Loans. 105. Supplemental Provisions. (a) Domestic Program Requirements. (b) Relations With the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands. (c) Continuing Trust Territory Authorization. (d) Medical Referral Debts. (e) Survivability. (0 R^stration for Agents of Micronesian Governments, (g) Noncompliance Sanctions, (h) Continuing Programs and Laws, (i) College of Micronesia; Education Programs, (j) Trust Territory Debts to U.S. Federal Agencies, (k) Use of DOD Medical Facilities. (1) Technical Assistance, (m) Prior Service Benefits P n ^ a m. (n) Indefinite Land Use Payments, (o) Communicable Disease Control Program, (p) Trust Funds. (q) Annual Reports on Determinations Under Compact Section 313. (r) User Fees. 106. Construction Contract Assistance. (a) Assistance to U.S. Firms. (b) Authorization. 107. Limitations. (a) Prohibition. (b) Termination. 108. Transitional Immigration Rules. (a) Citizen of Northern Mariana Islands. (b) Termination. 109. Timing. 110. Implementation of Audit Agreements. (a) Transmission of Annual Financial Statement. (b) Annual Audits By the President. (c) Authority of GAO. 111. Compensatory Adjustments. (a) Additional Programs and Services. (b) Investment Development Funds. (c) Board of Advisors. (d) Further Amounts.