Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/764

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1874

Regulations. Transportation,

PUBLIC LAW 99-240—JAN. 15, 1986

and the extended institutional control of their regional facilities in accordance with the provisions of Article 5, Section (b). "(D) Each party state must establish the capability to enforce any applicable federal or state laws and regulations pertaining to the packaging and transportation of waste generated within or passing through its borders. "(E) Each party state must provide to the Commission on an annual basis any data and information necessary to the implementation of the Commission's responsibilities. Each party state shall establish the capability to obtain any data and information necessary to meet its obligation. "(F) Each party state must, to the extent authorized by federal law, require generators within its borders to use the best available waste management technologies and practices to minimize the volumes of waste requiring disposal. "ARTICLE 4 THE COMMISSION

Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Commission, establishment.


Health. Safety.

"(A) There is hereby created the Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Commission ('Commission' or 'Compact Commission'). The Commission shall consist of two voting members from each party stete to be appointed according to the laws of each stete. The appointing authorities of each stete must notify the Commission in writing of the identity of its members and any alternates. An alternate may act on behalf of the member only in the member's absence. "(B) Each commission member is entitled to one vote. No action of the Commission shall be binding unless a majority of the total membership cast their vote in the affirmative, or unless a greater than majority vote is specifically required by any other provision of this compact. "(C) The Commission must elect from among its members a presiding officer. The Commission shall adopt and publish, in convenient form, bylaws which are consistent with this compact. "(D) The Commission must meet at least once a year and also meet upon the call of the presiding officer, by petition of a majority of the party stetes, or upon the call of a host stete. All meetings of the C!k)mmission must be open to the public. "(E) The Commission has the following duties and powers: " 1. To receive and approve the application of a nonparty state to become an eligible stete in accordance with the provisions of Article 7(b). "2. To receive and approve the application of a nonparty stete to become an eligible stete in accordance with the provisions of Article 7(c). "3. To submit an annual report and other communications to the Governors and to the presiding officer of each body of the legislature of the party stetes regarding the activities of the Commission. "4. To develop and use procedures for determining, consistent with consideration for public health and safety, the type and number of regional facilities which are presently necessary and which are projected to be necessary to manage waste generated within the region. "5. To provide the party stetes with reference guidelines for establishing the criteria and procedures for evaluating alternative locations for emergency or permanent regional facilities.