Page:Unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost, or, The sin unto death (1).pdf/11

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Apoftle to the Hebrews, chap. x. 27, 28, 29.(illegible text)kewiſe, Heb. vi. 5, 6.

Now the ſin against the Holy Ghoſt is brief (illegible text)ulis: It is a wilful and malicious oppoſing of the known truth, joined with final apoſtacy.

This ſinunto death is an oppoſing ſin:How to oppoſe a thing is to contradiect it, or.(illegible text)inſay it: when a man ſays a thing is ſo and(illegible text)1, he denies it, and says it is not ſo; when thing muſt be done, he ſays again, it muſt not, now ſhall not be done But a man may(illegible text) an oppoſing man, and yet cannot commit his ſin. Therefore,

1. It is a truth that he muſt oppoſe, that (illegible text) he muſt utterly oppoſe and reject Chriſt, who ſaid, I am the Truth. John xiv. 6. He oppoſes all his threatnings, and will not believe his promiſes, and counts him to be a ſeducer the people, and counts the blood of the cos (illegible text) want to be an unholy thing; nay, he also oppoſes the Spirit of Chriſt, who is the Spirit of truth; ſo that he will not obey his (illegible text) and will not be led or guided by him ;that a man may oppoſe the truth, and yet do ignorantly. Therefore,

2. It muſt be a known truth that he oppoſ(illegible text) he muſt be once enlightened: But you (illegible text) know, that it is not only a notional knowledge and human learning; he may know ſuch of God, and of his will in the letter of the word, and yet not capable of committing this