Page:VCH Bedfordshire 1.djvu/119

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INSECTS and the adjoining district from the Rev. O. W. Harries and Dr. W. G. Nash, and of these and also the smaller groups from Mr. J. Sharpin. Mr. W. Bond-Smith has furnished a useful list of the larger species found at Potton, and Mr. Herbert Studman a list of a few species at Woburn. At Luton excellent work was done by Mr. J. A. Saunders, now unhappily deceased, and to documents left by him, and obligingly lent by his father Mr. Jas. Saunders, A.S.S., to Mr. A. E. Gibbs, I am indebted for the extensive list of species both of Macro- and Micro- Lepidoptera supplied for that district. RHOPALOCERA Aporia crat.Tgi, Linn. (Black-veined White But- terfly) Reported by Mr. H. Studman to have formerly occurred near Woburn Pieris brassicae, Linn., raps, Linn., napi, Linn. (White Butterflies) Abundant everywhere Anthocharis cardamines, Linn. (Orange-tip) Generally distributed Colias hyale, Linn. (Pale Clouded Yellow) Bedford, JVoburn; plentiful in 1900 and 1901 — edusa, Linn. (Clouded Yellow) Bedford, Potton; abundant in the year 1 900 Gonepteryx rhamni, Linn. (Brimstone But- terfly) Bedford, Luton, Potton; fre- quent in clover fields Chrysophanus phlxas, Linn. (Small Copper) Generally distributed Polyommatus arion, Linn. (Large Blue) Haworth in 1803 says: 'Taken in Bedfordshire and sent to me by my friend Dr. Abbot '; Professor West- wood (1849) adds that it was taken in the ' Mouse's pasture ' near Bedford, and that Mr. J. C. Dale took it there again in 1 819; further that it was taken on commons near Bromham — agestis, Hb., medon, Esp. (Brown Argus) Bedford, on hillsides — ■ alexis, Hb., icarus, Rott. (Common Blue) Generally common — adonis, Hb., bellargus, Rott. (Clifden Blue) On chalk hillsides near Bedford — corydon, Scop. (Chalk-hill Blue) On chalk hillsides near Bedford — alsus, Schiff. (Bedford Blue) Hills and railway banks around Bedford and Luton — argiolus, Linn. (Holly Blue) Bedford Thecla quercus, Linn. (Purple Hairstreak) Generally about oaks in woods — betula;, Linn. (Brown Hairstreak) Re- ported near Woburn by Mr. H. Stud- pruni, Haw. (Black Hairstreak) near Bedford by Dr. Nash Found Thecla w-album, Knoch. (White Letter Hairstreak) Bedford and JVoburn about wych elm Apatura iris, Linn. Recorded at Clapham Park JVoods by Professor Westwood (1849) on the authority of the Rev. W. T. Bree Vanessa polychloros, Linn. (Large Tortoise- shell) This fine butterfly seems to be well distributed over the county — urticjc, Linn. (Small Tortoiscshcll) Abun- dant everywhere — io, Linn. (Peacock Butterfly) All — atalanta, Linn. (Red Admiral) J- generally — cardui, Linn. (Painted Lady) J distributed Argynnis paphia, Linn. (Silver-washed Fritillary) Generally distributed in woods — adippe, Linn. (High Brown Fritillary) Recorded near Bedford by Dr. Nash, and near JVoburn by Mr. McKay — euphrosyne, Linn. (Large Pearl-border) Bedford district, in woods — selene, SchiflF. (Small Pearl-border) Com- mon in woods about JJ'oburn Mclitjea athalia, Esp. (Heath Fritillary) Re- corded in Aspley JVoods, fifty years ago, by Westwood — artemis, Hb. (Greasy Fritillary) Clapham Park JVoods; Prof. Westwood Melanargia galathea, Linn. (Marbled White) On chalk hills near Bedford Pararge aegeria, Linn. (Speckled Wood But- terfly) Bedford, in lanes and wood borders — megaera, Linn. Generally distributed Epinephile janira, Linn. (Meadow Brown) Generally common — tithonus, Linn. (Gatekeeper) Generally common — hyperanthus, Linn. (Ringlet) Plentiful in woods Coenonympha pamphilus, Linn. Common in every grass field Syrichthus malvae, Linn., alveolus, Hb. Bedford, Luton, Potton 79