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On the Non-Euclidean Interpretation of the Theory of Relativity

Lecture held at the Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung zu Karlsruhe.

By Vladimir Varićak in Agram.

That a similar process occurred by formulating the theory of relativity, as in geometry when the non-euclidean – specifically the Lobachevsky-Boljai – geometry came into light, was presumably anticipated by some. It is namely very remarkable that some authors mention the non-euclidean geometry when they interpret relativity theory, without ascribing any value to it for the description of natural phenomena. Some almost deny that it has any value in this respect, like Lewis who considers the non-euclidean geometries as a mere logical exercise without any physical meaning.[1] And Wien, after he has mentioned the numerous investigations concerning the foundations of geometry in his lecture "On the transformation of the notion of space and time in physics", continues: "It is now remarkable, that contrary to these findings found in a pure speculative way, the possibility of a new notion of space and time has broken its way from experimental physics by induction. However, it has no direct connections to non-euclidean geometry.[2]

  1. G. N. Lewis, A revision of the Fundamental Laws of Matter and Energy. Phil. mag., XVI, 1908, 709
  2. Separate print from Sitzungsberichte der Physikal. med. Gesellschaft zu Würzburg. Jahrgang 1909.