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ſlave, with this difference only, that he could now ſpare more time in the ſervice of his all-powerful Redeemer. In the interim, his late Maſter procured him a wife, with a handſome fortune, who had a ſugar-work of her own, and ſome negroes: he purchaſed more, and by his induſtry thrived amain, ſo that in a few years, he laid-up one thouſand pounds in ſpecie.

In this comfortable ſtate, nothing gave him uneaſineſs, but that he could not come to the knowledge of his kind benefactor; never was man more anxious to ſhow his gratitude, or more ſolicitous to find out his friend: One day, as he was at his devotion, a ſtrange gentleman came to his habitation, and deſired to ſee him. He was no ſooner admitted, than he accoſted him in the following manner, "Mr Froward, I am commander of the Dove frigate, whoſe principal owner is Sir Thomas Thoroughgood, and am juſt arrived from England: By Sir Thomas's orders, I am to inform"you