Page:Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong.djvu/207

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decidedly downward tendency, owing to farm operations having almost ceased for the present, and labour of every description is abundant, and more than equal to the demand. Mechanics are plentiful at easy rates; females are not so much in demand, owing to the late arrivals; wages on the decrease, with less inquiries as to every duty they may be called upon to perform.


Married Couples, without families, £70 to £80 per annum.
Ditto,with families, £60 to £70 per annum.
Gardeners, £65 per annum.
Grooms, £52 to £60 per annum.
Stockkeepers, £55 to £60 per annum.
Shepherds, £33 to £40 per annum.
Hutkeepers, £25 to £30 per annum.
Ploughmen, 25s. per week.
Ploughmen to plough with bullocks, 25s. per week.
Farm Labourers, 20s. to 22s. 6d. per week.
Shearers, 16s. to 20s. per hundred.
Sheep-washers, 25s. per week.
Mowers, 8s. to l0s. per acre.
Reapers, 20s. per acre.
Threshers, 9d.' to l0d. per bushel.
Bullock-drivers for roads, 30s. per week.
Do.for farms, 25s. per week.
Horse-team drivers for roads, 25s. to 30s. per week.
Hay-cutters and trussers, 35s. per week, or 7s. per ton.
Male Cooks, 20s. to 45s. per week.
Waiters, 20s. to 30s. per week.
Blacksmiths, 50s. to 60s. per week.