Page:Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong.djvu/216

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hitherto set out the objections of the Mauritius men, it is pretty clear that they might be readily enough overcome by the formation of suitable lighthouses, depots, and establishments upon Diego Garcia, together with the organization of an auxiliary steam branch to the Mauritius. The real keystone of the whole argument is, the peculiar atmospheric condition of these southern seas, and that of the tides and currents. If it be really true, as asserted, that the run viâ Diego Garcia would involve a steamer in a constant series of hurricanes, circular storms, head winds, and adverse currents, cadit quæstio—there is an end of all dispute. This is the point which really requires the attention of the Ministers whose duty it is to settle this important question. They must necessarily have under their hand a sufficient number of scientific persons, of naval officers, of masters of merchant ships, who are familiar with the phenomena of the Indian Ocean, and by their testimony they should be guided. There can be no doubt that primâ facie the shortest route is the best. The burthen of proof rests with those who propose a divergence from it. We entreat all right hon. and hon. gentlemen to whose consideration this question may be submitted, not to lay too much stress upon the cost of fresh establishments, branch lines, &c. The organization of the shortest possible communication with Australia is just now, or should be, a leading feature of imperial policy."