Page:Visions, discoveries and warnings of the dreadful and terrible judgements upon Scotland, England and Ireland (2).pdf/22

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Viſions, Warnings and Judgements

thee two warnings to the north of Scotland already, I will give you another, The barley cake tumbling into the camp of Midian, and turning down their tents.

45. In the evening of that ſame day, the light was exceeding great for a long time, I beheld a roll but could not underſtand a word of it, upon which one ſaid to me, I am ſent from heaven to tell thee, that this is the light of heaven, but I am to give warning of a dark night to come on Britain and Ireland! I condeſcended, not long ago, to lay out ſigns, and propoſed months and days, but ye mocked and made light of it, but I ſhall now give a ſign, and ye ſhall no where know years, months, weeks nor days, but when it comes ye ſhall all ſee it, for the ſun and moon ſhall fall in one courſe, but what further is to be ſeen I will refer till the viſion ſpeak for itſelf, for there was never man ſaw ſuch a night of darkneſs, for there ſhall neither be moon light nor ſtar-light through the whole three kingdoms, from the one end to the other and all ſhall feel that darkneſs.

46. May 6. It was ſaid to me, ariſe and appear as if thou wert about to prepare a ſhip, and when this generation ſhall ask what thou meaneſt? thou ſhalt anſwer, It is for you to go to the South-ſea, and view what a great fleet is preparing to invade Britain and Ireland, and if they regard not thee prepare a ſecond, and when they aſk the meaning anſwer in the like manner, and if they regard not that, make a little boat which needs no ſails, and if they aſk, What thou meaneſt by ſuch a little boat, then ſay thou, The leaſt fiſhing boat that goes about the rock to catch fiſh, ſhall ſerve you to go the length to ſee that fleet which is coming. Lay this before this generation, leſt they ſay that I came upon them without warning.

47. May 7. In the morning there appeared before me, a light and two men walking before, the one had as it were a ſword in his hand, and as I looked at them all diſappeared at the time: and in the latter part of the day, the viſion returned, and fixing my eyes upon the two men, the one had a great ſword in his hand that had neither hilt nor bars, upon which I was aſked, what I thought of that man with the ſword in his hand? I could not tell, for he looked like a gourd angry man