Page:Whalley 1822 A vindication of the University of Edinburgh .djvu/42

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in all human probability, will never extend one jot further than it does at present, and that Parliament will not legislate upon a medical subject, in direct opposition to the opinion of an immense majority of the Physicians in the Kingdom. Besides the plan itself is totally impracticable, as neither three Fellows of the College of Physicians, nor even three M. Ds. of Oxford or Cambridge, are to be found in any County in England, except Middlesex, Oxford, and Cambridge. As to St. Andrew's and Aberdeen, it would greatly conduce to uphold the dignity of the profession, if they would come to the resolution not to grant degrees to any, except their own Students. The medical department of the University of Edinburgh, consists of the following professorships.

I. Professorship of Anatomy.
I. ———————— Practice of Physic.
I. ———————— Chemistry.
I. ———————— Theory of Physic.
I. ———————— Materia Medica.
I. Regius do. Botany.
I. Regius do. Medical Jurisprudence.
I. Professorship of Clinical Medicine.
I. ———————— Midwifery.
I. Regius do. Military Surgery.
I. Professorship of Clinical Surgery.