Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/18

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Where the water runs bright and ſheen
And Knights die through battle keen.
To the two Knights then did ſhe ſay,
Let be your ſtrife my Knights free;
Ye take your horſe, and ride your way,
As God hath ordain'd ſo moſt it be.
Saint Andrew thou haſt the right;
Saint George thou art mine own Knight;
Thy wrongous heir ſhall work thee woe.
Now are they on their ways gone;
The Lady and the Knights two,
To that beirn then can I ment,
And aſked tidings by may ſay,
What kind of light is that, I ſaid,
Thou ſheweſt to me upon yon lee;
Or wherefore came yon Knights two?
They ſeemed of a far country.
That Lady that I let thee ſee,
That is the Queen of Heaven ſo bright:
The fowl that flew by her knee,
That is Saint Michael, much of might:
The Knights two the field to tae,
Where many men in field ſhall fight:
Know you well it ſhall be ſae,
That die ſhall many a gentle Knight:
With death ſhall many a doughty deal.
The Lord ſhall be then away,
There is none herrel that can tell,
Who ſhall win the field that day.
A crowned King in arms three,
Under the banner ſhall be ſet:
Two falſe and feigned ſhall be,
The third ſhall light and make great let.
Banners five again ſhall ſtrive,
And come in on the other ſide:
The white lion ſhall beat them down,
And work them woe with wounds wide:
The bear's head with the red lion,
So ſweetly into red gold ſet,
That day ſhall ſlay the King with crown,
Though many Lords make great let,
There ſhall attour the water of Forth,
Set in gold the red lion:

And many Lords out of the north,