Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/35

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Though that it be ſhowen:
Take a thouſand in calculation,
And the longeſt of the Lion.
Four creſcents under one crown,
With Sainct Andrew's croſs thriſe:
Then threeſcore and thriſe three;
Take heed to Merling truely;
Than ſhall the wars ended be,
And never again riſe.
In that year there ſhall a king,
A duke and no crowned king,
Becauſe the prince ſhall be young,
And tender of years.
Much ſorrow and ſtrife,
Shall be in Lothian and Fife,
Through the fulmart's falſe fears.
The mauldragil moldiwart,
Through the ſupply of the fained hart,
And lancing of the Libbert,
Linked in a lace:
In Fife and Lothian ſhall ſtand,
With many bow, bill and brand,
And burn and ſlay all from hand,
Without any grace.
Then comes the anthelope,
The blind moldiwarte to ſtop;
With many ſemyors in a ſop:
Forth of all airths.
The lion raping at the roves,
With the proyne, and pleningoes:
And many knights for to cloyes,
Shall come from the ſouth.
The ſadled horſe ſhall be ſeen,
Ty'd to a tree green,
And with a viſa la fine,
In a bag ſhall be born:
Sine two ſhips in a ſhield,
That day ſhall fit the fieid,
To be the Anthelope's beild,
And fetch him beforn.
The bear's head, and the brook,
The beam and the bloody yoke,
Three creſcents, and a cock,
Shall come from the north.

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