Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/5

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The king himſelf revenger ſhall
the guilty troops down wrack.

33 The Engliſh nation ſhall invade,
but not eſcape a plague,
With ſword, with thirſt, with tears and peſt,
with fears and ſuch like ague.

34 And after en'mies bee's thrown down,
and maſtered by war,
Then Scotland, in peace quietly,
paſs joyful days for ever.

When HEMPE is come and alſo gone,
Scotland and England ſhall be one.


Henry, the VIII.


Edward, the VI.




Philip, of Spain. M's Huſb.


Elisabeth. Q.

Praiſed be God alone, for Hempe is come and gone,
And left us old Albion, by peace join'd in one.

Tempora patet oculata veritas.

In time appeareth hidden Truth.

MERLING ſays in his book, who will read it right,
Although his ſayings be uncouth, they ſhall be true found.
In the ſeventh chapter, read whoſo will
One thouſand and more after Chriſt's birth:
When the Chalnalider of Cornwall is called,
And the wolf out of Wales is vanguiſhed for aye.
Then many farlies ſhall fall, and many folks ſhall die.
Many ſelcouth ſhall be ſeen in all chriſtian lands,
In the moon and the ſea, and ſigns in the ſun,
And in all planets plainly that appears to the ſky;
Then ſhall the lion the beaſt in the broad north,
And a fellon flaw ſhall fall ſoon after,
And a ſheding of blood within ſhort time:
Both the moon and the mernes great dool ſhall make,
And all Mar ſhall mourn many days after.
The great bear with his tuſks the field ſhall loſe,