Page:Wisconsin Rapids directory (1921).djvu/113

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LET US FIT YOUR FEET SMITH & KALTEN EOKER Quality SHOE Fitters W, ISCONSIN RAPIDS CITY DIRECTORY 113 Federwitz Otto (Elizabeth) emp Con W P & P Co res 2d av S RFD3 Fehrman Leilah wrapper Johnson & Hill Co b 546 7th av N tel green 272 Feichtner Susan dom b 217 S 6th st Feih Albert (Anna) emp Con W P & P Co h 888 4th av N tel blue 1125 Ferguson Lloyd L (Ethel) slsnm Nash Hdw Co res R F D 1 tel rural 1932 Ferry Edward (Isabelle) lab h 318 18th av N Fiegel Claude W lab b 437 S 7th st tel 1157 Fiegel Etha E clk Johnson & Hill Co b 437 7th st S Fiegel Fred (Margaret) h 1305 Chestnut tel red 788 BRAZEAU MERCANTILE CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE QUALITY STORE SELL EVERYTHING NEKOOSA Fiegel Gustav M (Florence) carrier R F D h 1305 Chestnut tel red 788 Fiegel Guy (Elizabeth) reach Ragan Auto Sales h 225 Grand av Fiegel Mary E (wid Win) h 437 S 7th st tel 1157 Fielman Wm C (Cora h 328 S 6th st tel 255 Finup Carl cooper Wood Co Cooperage Co b 108 12th av S tel red 1108 Finup Herman (Minnie) �oreman Wood Co Cooperage Co h 10,8 12th av S tel red 1108 FIR?. DEPARTM?INT 163 N 1st st tel 222 First Baptist Church Rev John De Vries pastor cop S 2d and Maple First Moravian Church Rev C A Meilicke pastor cor 1st av S and Goggins REICHEL'S JEWELRY STORE JEWELER - OPTIOIAN RE, PAIRING, ENGRAVING Nex% Door To Post Office WISCONSIN RAPIDS