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In the waves, the progress of time. In the seashore covered with the waters, our mortality. In the footmarks on the sand erased, fame. In the sudden darkness, mortal sin. In the bright light, God's grace. In the gentle wind, the breath of the Holy Ghost the Comforter. In bread, the Blessed Sacrament, the true Bread of life. In water, the cleansing grace of baptism. In oil. the anointing of the young and of the sick. In the sound of the clock, the irrevocable progress of time.

"We can meditate by adoring the presence of God all around us. as we walk in the midst of Him, or as causing by His Presence in each object we behold, its continued existence and its qualities of good. We can adore God in the center of our heart, dwelling there as in a temple, and by a spiritual union uniting to Himself the soul in grace.

"We meditate by reading slowly, devoutly, a spiritual book, with pious affections and practical resolutions. We meditate by contemplating with true dispositions the image of the crucifix, or the tabernacle over the altar where, in His sacramental presence, our sweetest Jesus reposes. We meditate by hearing the holy Mass, uniting ourselves with Jesus in His sacrifice. We meditate while we devoutly make the stations of the cross, or