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who are in Thy grace; give them, O Lord, perseverance and fervor in Thy love.

3. All infidels, heretics, and sinners; give them light and strength that they may all know and love Thee.


I RECOMMEND to Thee: I. the souls of my parents, benefactors, friends, and enemies; and of those who are in purgatory through my fault.

2. The souls of priests and of those who labored for souls.

3. The souls of those who were most devout to the Passion of Jesus Christ, to the Most Holy Sacrament, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to His blessed Mother; the souls who are the most neglected and forgotten; those who are suffering the most; and those who are nearest the gates of paradise.

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Jesus, Master, Teach Me

TEACH me, teach me, dearest Jesus,
In Thine own sweet loving way,
All the lessons of perfection
I must practise day by day.