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is an altar, on which rests the reliquary containing the phial of the martyr's blood. This exquisite casket was the gift of Marie Therese, Queen of Naples. It is entirely composed of silver, and through an aperture filled with glass the sacred relic may be easily seen. The generosity of faithful hearts, in happier times, bestowed vast endowments and estates on this church of St. Philomena, and thus provided for the relief of the poor and the advancement of other meritorious works. But, alas! the sacrilegious hands of the usurper have confiscated all.

The constant stream of pilgrims has, however, never ceased. Old and young, rich and poor, of all nationalities, assemble there, and bring away with them graces untold, and a deep sense of the power of God through the efficacy of His saints.

The decree authorizing the devotion to St. Philomena, and granting to the clergy of Nola the privilege of saying Mass in her honor, was published by Gregory XVI on January 30, 1837. In March, 1839, the same Pontiff, by decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, raised her feast to the dignity of a double of the second class. It is to be noted that hers is the only instance of a Proper Office" being granted in honor of a saint of whom no details are recorded or known, except the bare fact of her martyrdom. This was indicated, as we have already remarked, by the emblems cut on her tomb, and the three simple words inscribed on the slab enclosing her place of rest: "Pax tecum! Philomena." " Peace be with thee! Philomena."

Pius IX and Leo XIII gave evidence of a similar veneration for the martyr of the primitive Church.

In Ireland, the devotion to this child — saint and martyr — has been taken up with great fervor, and rewarded with many striking favors.

The pious Sisterhoods, to whose hands is confided the great work of Catholic education, have not been slow to find how powerful is the help of the "little wonder-worker." Schools, special works of charity, the wants of the sick and afflicted, have many a time been blessed and promoted in wonderful ways through the invocation of St. Philomena.