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A BEAUTIFUL flower is humility; beautiful is patience, obedience, meekness, modesty, and every other virtue; but the most beautiful is charity. — Blessed Jourdain de Saxe: Letter XXXIII.


HE is most powerful who loves most. — St. Gregory the Great: "Life of St. Benedict," Ch. XXXIIL

The best of all prayers is that in which we ask that God's holy will may be accomplished, both in ourselves and in others. — Venerable Louis de BloiSy O.S.B,


GOD regards the motive and not the action. It is not the importance of the action that He considers, but the excellence of the intention, the love which prompted it. — St. Gregory the Great, O.S.B.


So great is the goodness of God in your regard, that, when you ask through ignorance for that which is not beneficial, He does not grant your prayer in this matter, but gives you something better instead. — St, Bernard, O. Cist.


To love God truly one must have three hearts in one: a heart all on fire for God; a heart full of charity for his neighbor; and a heart of flint for himself. — Bl. Benedict Joseph Lahre.