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Women of The West

ment was given even greater impetus by teachers and pupils, and thru their untiring efforts, these gifts were made the nucleus around which many notable collections were gathered. The Stadium High School of Tacoma now owns pictures valued at ten thousand dollars. Visitors to our city have greatly admired so enterprising an achievement. Two Aloha collections are constantly being circulated in the schools.

Thus, we are endeavoring to make up to our children for what they now lack; while we rejoice in the rich heritage that is theirs, as future citizens of this great and glorious Northwest. Here, where Nature and Opportunity go hand in hand to make life worth living, we feel that their future is secure.

The Western Woman—Her Opportunity
By Dr. Aurelia Henry Reinhardt)
(President of Mills College)

A new country gives freely the blessing of opportunity to the pioneers who venture to build there a new civilization. The dead hand of worn-out methods of work and lifeless traditions does not of itself stretch across wide seas or high mountains. A new country makes possible new experiments and fresh undertakings, encourages initiation and individuality of expression in men and women alike.

The chance to develop freely and fairly has belonged to the California woman from the day the first covered wagon deposited her and her little belongings at the new mining claim, or on the just-registered quarter section of land. Her opportunity has meant a busy and varied life; it has meant hard work in the house, on the farm, and in the shop. But these tasks gave her muscle and confidence. They gave the men of the West also confidence in her ability and pride in her achievement, and as California built up its institutions, California women worked side by side with the men of the state.

As public schools were opened, girls as pupils were welcome from the first as well as boys. When the colleges were founded, an institution for women was one of the first to be organized. When the State University came into being, women students soon had their places, and today half the students of college and university age in the state are women. Women teachers are found in educational institutions of every type.