Page:Wood Beyond the World.djvu/190

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That will be long ago, said he; how then may she be living now?

Said the Maid: Doubtless that woman of yore agone is dead this many and many a year; but they take to them still a new woman, one after other, as they may happen on them, to be in the stead of the Ancient Mother. And to tell thee the very truth right out, she that lieth dead in the Pillared Hall was even the last of these; and now, if they knew it, they lack a God. This shall we tell them.

Yea, yea! said Walter, a goodly welcome shall we have of them then, if we come amongst them with our hands red with the blood of their God!

She smiled on him and said: If I come amongst them with the tidings that I have slain her, and they trow therein, without doubt they shall make me Lady and Goddess in her stead.

This is a strange word, said Walter; but if so they do, how shall that further us in reaching the kindreds of the world, and the folk of Holy Church?

She laughed outright, so joyous was she grown, now that she knew that his life was yet to be a part of hers. Sweetheart, she