Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 06.djvu/208

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[11 OCT.

and dragooners; but I believe we had as many men,—besides our foot, which indeed could not be drawn up until it was very late. The enemy’s word was “Cavendish”;’—he that was killed in the Bog; ‘and ours was “Religion.” I believe that as we had no notice of the enemy’s coming towards us, so they had as little of our preparation to fight with them. It was about twelve of the clock ere our horse and dragooners were drawn up. After that we marched about a mile nearer the enemy; and then we began to descry him, by little and little, coming towards us. Until this time we did not know we should fight; but so soon as our men had knowledge of the enemy’s coming, they were very full of joy and resolution, thinking it a great mercy that they should now fight with him. Our men went on in several bodies, singing Psalms. Quartermaster-General Vermuyden with five troops had the forlorn-hope, and Colonel Cromwell the van, assisted with other of my Lord’s troops, and seconded by Sir T. Fairfax. Both armies met about Ixbie, if I mistake not the Town’s name,’—you do mistake, Mr Vicars; it is Winceby, a mere hamlet and not a town.

‘Both they and we had drawn-up our dragooners; who gave the first charge; and then the horse fell in. Colonel Cromwell fell with brave resolution upon the enemy, immediately after their dragooners had given him the first volley; yet they were so nimble, as that, within half pistol-shot, they gave him another: his horse was killed under him at the first charge, and fell down upon him; and as he rose up, he was knocked down again by the Gentleman who charged him, who ’twas conceived was Sir Ingram Hopton: but afterwards he’ the Colonel ‘recovered a poor horse in a soldier’s hands, and bravely mounted himself again. Truly this first charge was so home-given, and performed with so much admirable courage and resolution by our troops, that the enemy stood not another; but were driven back upon their own body, which was to have seconded them; and at last put these into a plain disorder; and thus, in less than half an hour’s fight, they