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Suggestions for Further Study

cases, $203.00). The school should also possess good physical wall maps such as the Sydow-Habenicht or the Kiepert series, both to be obtained from Rand, McNally & Co. The text is in German. Philip's Physical Maps and Johnston's New Series of Physical Wall Maps are obtainable from A. J. Nystrom & Co. The only large charts available are those prepared by MacCoun for his Historical Geography Charts of Europe. The two sections, " Ancient and Classical " and "Medieval and Modern," are sold separately (N.Y., Silver, Burdett & Co., $20.00).

The " Studies " following each chapter of this book include various exercises for which small outline maps are required. Such maps are sold by D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, New York, Chicago. Useful atlases of outline maps are also to be had of the McKinley Publishing Co., Philadelphia ; A. J. Nystrom & Co., Chicago ; Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, Chicago, and of other publishers. A very useful work is Bishop and Robinson, Practical Map Exercises in Medieval and Modern European History (Boston, Ginn & Co.)

The best photographs of works of art must usually be obtained from foreign publishers or from their American agents. In addition to photographs and lantern slides, a collection of stereoscopic views is very helpful in giving vividness and interest to instruction in history. An admirable series of photographs for the stereoscope is issued by Underwood and Underwood, New York City. The same firm supplies convenient maps and handbooks for use in this connection. The Keystone stereographs, prepared by the Keystone View Company, Meadville, Penn., may also be cordially recommended. Notable collections are Lehmann's Geographical Pictures, Historical Pictures, and Types of Nations, and Cybulski's Historical Pictures (Chicago, A. J. Nystrom & Co., and Denoyer-Geppert Co.; each picture separately mounted on rollers). The Illustrated Topics for Ancient History and Illustrated Topics for Medieval and Modern History, arranged by D. C. Knowlton (Philadelphia, McKinley Publishing Co., each 65 cents), contain much valuable material in the shape of a syllabus, outline maps, pictures, and other aids.

To vitalize the study of geography and history there is nothing better than the reading of modern books of travel. Among these may be mentioned:

Allinson, F. G., and Allinson, Anne C. E., Greek Lands and Letters (Boston, 1909, Houghton Mifflin Co., $2.50). An entertaining work of mingled history and geography.
Clark, F. E. The Holy Land of Asia Minor (N.Y. ,1914, Scribner, $1.25). Popular sketches.
Dwight, H. G. Constantinople, Old and New (N. Y., 1915, Scribner, $5.00).
Forman, H. J. The Ideal Italian Tour (Boston, 1911, Houghton Mifflin Co., $3.00). A brief and attractive volume covering all Italy.