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Suggestions for Further Study
Mahaffy, J. P. What have the Greeks done for Modern Civilization? (N. Y., 1909, Putnam, $2.50).
Mau, August.* Pompeii: Its Life and Art, translated by F. W. Kelsey (N. Y., 1899, out of print).
Oman, Charles. Seven Roman Statesmen of the Later Republic (N. Y., 1902, Longmans, Green & Co., $2.25). A biographical presentation of Roman history.
Pellison, Maurice. Roman Life in Pliny's Time, translated by Maud Wilkinson (Philadelphia, 1897, out of print).
Powers, H. H. The Message of Greek Art (N. Y., 1913, out of print).
Robinson, C. E. The Days of Alkibiades (N. Y., 1916, Longmans, Green & Co., $2.00). A picture of Greek life and culture in the Age of Pericles.
Stobart, J. C.* The Glory that was Greece: A Survey of Hellenic Culture and Civilization (Philadelphia, 1911, out of print).
The Grandeur that was Rome. A Survey of Roman Culture and Civilization (Philadelphia, 1912, out of print).
Tarbell, F. G. A History of Greek Art (2d ed., N. Y., 1905, Macmillan, $1.60).
Tucker, T. G. Life in Ancient Athens (N. Y., 1906, Macmillan, $2.40). The most attractive treatment of the subject.
Life in the Roman World of Nero and St. Paul (N. Y., 1910, Macmillan, $3.50).
Zimmern, A. E. The Greek Commonwealth (N. Y., 1911, Oxford University Press, American Branch, $3.80).


Adams, G.B. Civilization during the Middle Ages (2d ed., N. Y ., 1914, Scribner, $2.75).
Bateson, Mary. Medieval England (N. Y., 1903, Putnam, $2.50). Deals with economic and social life; Story of the Nations.
Bryce, James.* The Holy Roman Empire (new ed., N. Y., 1921, Macmillan, $3.75). A famous work, originally published in 1864.
Cutts, E. L. Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages (London, 1872, DeLaMore Press, 7s. 6d.). An almost indispensable book.
Davis, H. W. C. Medieval Europe (N. Y., 191 1, Holt, 90 cents).Home University Library.
Emerton, Ephraim. An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages (Boston, 1888, Ginn, $1.92). Of special value to beginners.
Foord, Edward. The Byzantine Empire (N. Y., 191 1, out of print). The most convenient short treatise ; lavishly illustrated.
Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Middle Ages (N. Y., 1896, American Book Co., $2.00).
Haskins, C. H. The Normans in European History (Boston, 1915, Houghton Mifflin Co., $3.00).
Lawrence, W. W. Medieval Story (N. Y., 191 1, Columbia University Press, $2.00). Discusses the great literary productions of the Middle Ages.
Luchaire, Achille.* Social France at the Time of Philip Augustus, translated by E. B. Krehbiel (London, 1912, Murray, 10s. 6d.). A historical masterpiece.
Munro, D. C, and Sellery, G. C.* Medieval Civilization (2d ed., N. Y., 1907, Century Co., $2.50). Translated selections from standard works by French and German scholars.