Protestant Exiles from France/Volume 2 - Book Third - Chapter 12 - Section X

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2910385Protestant Exiles from France — Volume 2 - Book Third - Chapter 12 - Section XDavid Carnegie Andrew Agnew

De La Heuze.

J. de la Heuze was employed by the first Earl of Warrington (better known by his former title, Lord Delamere) to be tutor to his son. And on the Earl’s death he printed his lordship’s papers, chiefly on the politics of the patriots of England, and dedicated the book to the son, who had succeeded his father as second Earl. The date is 1694, and in the dedicatory epistle he says, “You are become in a little time a great master of several languages and most parts of philosophy. . . . It is not enough for one in your lordship’s high station to be humanist, geographer, historian, and (I may add) a good man too; he must be also a statesman and a politician; but being neither myself, I must repeat that your lordship wants a better master. Amongst several of the most eminent men which I could recommend to your lordship, I found none so learned, nor indeed so fit to make deep impressions upon your mind, as your lordship’s noble father, whose writings belong to you, as well as his estate.”

In the above paragraph I copied this refugee’s name from his signature to his Preface to Lord Delamere’s Papers. I believe him to be the same person as “John De La Heuse,” naturalised at Westminster, 21st March, 4 James II. (See List xv.)