Protestant Exiles from France/Volume 2 - Book Third - Chapter 27 - Mignard and Parr

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2917283Protestant Exiles from France — Volume 2 - Book Third - Chapter 27 - Mignard and ParrDavid Carnegie Andrew Agnew

Mignard and Parr.

Pierre Mignard, a soldier in the French army, had two sons who became celebrated painters, (1) Pierre Mignard, surnamed the Roman; (2) Nicolas Mignard, called Mignard of Avignon, who died at Paris in 1668. Two of the sons of the latter came to England, and are reckoned among French Protestants, viz.:—

Paul Mignard, portrait-painter in London (painted the Countess of Meath, and Ladies Henrietta and Anne Churchill, daughters of the Duke of Marlborough). Leonard Mignard, surgeon and apothecary, Harrow-on-the-Hill. = Elizabeth Bates, of Stamford, Lincolnshire.
Anne Mignard, died 5th Nov. 1762. = Samuel Parr, surgeon and apothecary (successor to Mignard at Harrow), died 23rd January 1766.
Rev. Samuel Parr, LL.D.,
born at Harrow, 15-26 January 1747 (n.s.); Assistant Master of Harrow School, 1767 to 1771; set up a private school at Stanmore, 1771; Master of the school at Colchester, 1777 to 1779; Master of the school at Norwich, 1779 to 1786; was made LL.D. of Cambridge in 1781; he had served as a minister of the Church of England at various places from 1769. In 1783 he became Perpetual Curate of Hatton, and Prebendary of St. Paul’s. He resided at Hatton from 1786 till his death on 6th March 1825. (See his Collected Works.)